Tag: Video

Turning Banking Into Thanking – 2019

  The joy of the holiday season always comes with such excitement. We attend holiday gatherings with dear friends. Our families decorate Christmas trees and Christmas lights are hung. There’s also this contagious spirit of giving as our communities come together to lend a hand for those in need. During this holiday season, we wanted… Read more »

The Power of Caring: Merrimack Hall

Debra Jenkins was looking for a collaborative partner to help turn her vision of a place where children with special needs can participate in extracurricular activities such as dance, theatre, and fine arts into a reality.  Ken Watson and the Bryant Bank Huntsville team were with her from day one.  Today, Merrimack Hall is a… Read more »

Bryant Bankers Explain New Mission, Vision, & Core Values

Vision & Mission Statement Our new vision statement is, “To see every Alabamian experience a financially stable future and live in a thriving community.” Our new mission statement is, “We put care into action to help Alabamians invest in their full potential.”Let’s hear a little more about both of these new guiding principles from Bryant… Read more »