Bryant Bank shares messages of hope

Bryant Bank messages of hopeThere is no escaping the fact that this is a trying time for all of us. Global pandemic COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives, including the lives of our bankers. 

The really interesting thing is that even though there are plenty of negative things we can all easily find, there are also a lot of positive things happening. You might just have to look a little harder and think about it a little differently to find them.

Many of our bankers have realized this recently, and while none of us are experts at handling what we’re going through right now, our bankers would like to share their own messages of hope. We asked several bankers for their thoughts, insights, and advice for others. 

Messages of hope from Bryant bankers

Here are some of the questions we asked our bankers:

  • What do you miss most right now, and what are you looking forward to most when this is all over?
  • Based on your experience, what advice do you have for others as we continue to walk through these uncharted times?
  • What are some things for which you are thankful right now?
  • Do you have any examples of something that initially seemed like a negative but has turned into a positive?
  • How are you staying both mentally and physically well?
  • How are you staying positive?
  • Why is community so important right now, even if we can’t physically be together?
  • How has your team grown in regards to problem-solving throughout this experience?
  • Most importantly, how are you doing?

“What I miss the most is going to church, my grandbabies being at my house, and long walks on the beach. Based on my experience, I think we have to try to find something good to focus on everyday instead of the negative. There is always something to be thankful for. I am very thankful that so far my family does not have the virus, and I am thankful for technology so that I can still stay connected.” Sandy Cazabat

“People are the heart of the community, and we never fail to come together in times of crisis. Yes, we are navigating uncertainty and challenges like never before, but through strong, sincere relationships, commitment, and love for one another we will emerge from this difficult time a stronger and more caring community. Our team has reached a higher level of unity and passion for servicing our customers and for supporting our fellow bankers. It’s amazing all you can accomplish through a drive-through window! Like many, I am overwhelmed by the impact the disease is having on our community, state, and nation, but I am equally proud of the difference we are making in the community we love so much!” Regina Sharp

“I am missing people, going to church, get-togethers, doing life side by side with others, shaking hands, and hugging. But we have to stay strong. The best way to help yourself is to help others. Think of others first. We all need hope — hope that things will change, that things will improve. Instead of being the one who needs to be cheered up, be the one who does the cheering up. Be a hope peddler. Be the light in this dark time. I am thankful for Bryant Bank and my job; my awesome coworkers; my health and my family’s health; and sunshine.” Chris Billings

“Schools and extracurricular activities for kids have been cancelled and moved online. Initially, I didn’t know what they were going to do, but then they started using technology like Zoom and Facetime. They are spending more time at home instead of being away from home. Family meals have been every night. We have watched movies and spent more time together as a family than when we have everything else going on. Also, our son is home from out of state college and that is a major plus getting that extra time to spend with him. Once I get to work I try not to dwell on COVID-19 and all that is going on. I leave all of that at the door and focus on the job that I am here to do. I make sure that I wash my hands often and sanitize with hand sanitizer often (which I have always done), and I wear gloves that have been provided. When I get home, I do the same with my momma and wife duties! Also, I don’t watch the news or get on social media to avoid all of the negative that COVID-19 has brought. Instead, I try to focus on all the good that we have in the midst of all of the fear and unknown. Knowing that God is going to take care of us is the key! I thank God for health, family, food, clothing, shelter, and an awesome place to work.  I could keep going on and on! So blessed.” Labrisca Blakney

“Community is so important, because these folks are our neighbors and friends, and we have to support each other. Not just during the easy times, but right now, when these neighbors and friends might be going through trials that we can help them with. Everyone on our team has had to go out of our comfort zones at some point to help with problems that we’re not used to, but everyone has jumped right in without complaint. I’m so proud of my ladies and the job they’re all doing. I’m doing well, but I really miss the human contact I have with my customers. My office is far from the teller drive-through, so I haven’t seen a lot of folks I’m used to seeing often. On the bright side, once this is all over, it’ll seem like a family reunion.” Donna Finch

“I have made the negative of being confined to work and home into a positive by appreciating my family more and being thankful I still have a job and a roof over my head. I am blessed beyond measure! I am staying well both mentally and physically by exercising at home, but I am also reading my Bible and doing my daily devotionals consistently. I am trying to stay positive by focusing on what good things are in store for everyone when we get past this trying time. This has been a time to reflect on and appreciate my blessings every day.” Cathy Ingram

As we take precautionary steps to keep our customers, bankers, community members, and locations healthy and safe, we also want to provide these messages of hope and encouragement. We thank you for continuing to bank with Bryant Bank during this time. We would love for you to share your own answers to the questions above with us!

For any questions you may have about current policies and more, please contact your Bryant banker by phone or email, or visit this page on our website for COVID-19 updates and resources. We look forward to seeing you again in person soon!

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At Bryant Bank, family is at the heart of what matters most. And for us, Alabama is that family. Our vision is to see Alabamians experience a financially stable future and live in a thriving community.  To accomplish this, Bryant Bankers put care into action each day to help others invest in their full potential. We are proud to offer Personal, Business, and Mortgage Banking services. Click here to locate your closest Bryant Bank or to open an account with us today.